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Road Trip Reviews

Only the most important of dispatches on a journey across the US.

Day 3

Water: Turns out it's still tasty and essential to not dying. Yay for water.

Dr Pepper: Not quite AS essential for not dying as water but still damned tasty.

Little Caesar's: When you want a lot of pizza and are willing to settle on quality. It's only $5! A California pizza is $20 and doesn't really taste any better. 

Another day's journey, another fire. So there you have it, no matter what sector of the country you're in; America, it's constantly on fire.

Uranus Fudge Factory: I know how to properly pronounce "Uranus" and that's still funny.

I'm pretty sure that if you actually enforced the speed limits in construction zones, all of America's infrastructure would be paid for in a year. All those signs say you need to slow down to 55 but apparently truckers are still cool with doing 70.

Why does the United States not have more easy on-off gas stations on Interstates? Practically every gas station requires you to exit off into some town that doesn't believe in putting up road signs. Gas stations can advertise for 30 miles before you get to them, you get to the exit, and then there are three roads but none of them labeled with which one leads to the damned gas station. I've seen more easy on-off McDonalds than gas stations at this point. 

There are towns across the United States that I'm fairly certain are just traps. Like if you went two streets back, all the buildings would just be cardboard fronts. There's something deeply unsettling about these places. Like they're out of a Greek myth or somebody nearby is worshipping Dagon. Some sailor got too close to a junction and now is doomed to remain forever trapped in this illusory town.


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