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Road Trip Reviews

Only the most important of dispatches on a journey across the US.

Day 1

Trader Joe's Not-Honey Nut Cheerios: They always taste kind of stale. They're good, but you always get the feeling that they've been on the shelf for weeks.

Quaker Oats Strawberry and Yogurt Granola Bars: Considerably smaller than the packaging and pictures would have you believe. There's more empty space in the box than actual snacks. Still, pretty decent artifical strawberry flavoring and quite chewy, but the yogurt just kind of seems to be there without contributing anything.

The Americas:

Heat wave started the day I left, that sucks.

I saw one fire, but it was small. The west coast is pretty much just a dried out husk of dead plants, shrubs, and nothingness. And signs about how Congress created the Dust Bowl without addressing that maybe it's not a good idea to set up a state's farmlands in an area devoid of natural water.

I'm happy to report that a stretch of Central California still smells like cooking garlic. It's great.

If you see that farmer selling 6 avacados for $1, look into that. The guy after him is selling them 3 for $1! I shook my head at his hubris.

Radio kind of sucks. A corporate radio station lasts a few hundred miles but a public radio station dies before 100 miles. I have now heard several Taylor Swift songs and I don't understand the appeal (they're all so repetitive!), but I don't think I'm the demographic. I thought I tuned into an NPR pledge drive, but it turned out it was a religious pledge drive and they want A LOT more money than NPR.

I got to drive 70 MPH today, so that was pretty sweet. Even with that allowed, Americans have a complete and utter disregard for speed limits. I hope driverless cars become mandatory because we cannot handle the responsability of cars.


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