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This is getting too old I know. This month of vacation I used the first two weeks to relax and draw what I had pending (the suggestion box of February and March) and the last two weeks I was in my hometown helping my grandmother because she still can't use her arm after a serious fall but she is better now don't worry and here it was impossible to have a moment of privacy for my drawings (and her internet service sucks but sssshhh I don't want hurt her feelings XD). 

Today I am traveling back to my apartment because on Wednesday I start working again. Although for the new schedule I will be able to finish what I owe, that would be the suggestions of April and the monthly reward (I will put the vote later).

Something I didn't tell you I was depressive and felt blocked. So I think this free time to relax and visit my family made me feel better, it sounds selfish I know. But now I feel better and ready for whatever comes.

As always it is not an obligation to support me but I will appreciate it especially your patience.

Well I'll travel after lunch, it's 4 hours of travel if the driver is not slow of course.
I'll upload another post when I'm already at home with the vote to choose the waifu for the reward pic of april.

Thank you so much and see ya later =D


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