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I'm super excited to say that we've started the process of seeking out Voice Talent.  I reached out to a very lovely gal with a wicked talent for doing anime/game voice-overs. The big 'casting call' hasn't happened yet since I'm still scrounging up funds, but this girl was a fan of our game and sent her demo reel in ages ago. So it's kinda cool that it's working out and now she'll be doing two characters in Crush Crush. I will post more when I receive her next clip/test. For now it's a secret I'm only sharing with you guys <3




Is she the same person that did the other voices


Raven from teen titans? almost...


Good to see community connection getting people work and experience


Yeah! You got it ;) But shhhh. I'll do a formal announcement soon. She's also going to do Fumi and is so perfect for her.


EEEP! :D I love it! ^^ And she's doing Fumi too! :D I hope there will be a good voice for Alpha too sometime :3


Oh wow! She's fantastic! It's similar to Rei but a little sexier and funnier. I can't wait to have the experience. The voice acting will really bring these characters to life. This is so awesome and so happy you're making great use of our support.

Jason Isbell

Sounds pretty good.