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Wahoo! A shiny new  trailer made by yours truly... I have zero experience using After Effects and Adobe Premiere so I basically had to learn everything overnight and crank this new trailer out... becaaaause we're coming out of Early Access in the next two weeks! :D I can't upload the NSFW one until we make the official partnership announcement, but it's basically the same as this with sneak peeks at the adult content.  I know it could be better but I'm a total noob with editing so this is the best I can do >.< 



Uploaded by Sad Panda Studios on 2016-09-10.



No worries Morgo, it's actually better than a lot of trailers on Steam. It was pretty cool and I like that it actually shows gameplay lol. Too many trailers just have some storyline-type video that doesn't give you any idea if you would actually enjoy playing the game.


Aww thanks! Yeah I guess that's true, the worst offenders are trailers you see at E3 where it's mostly cutscenes or gameplay that has been beefed up to look better than it actual is.


Sped up music? o.o It's kind of weird somehow. I'm so used to hearing that ol' Sugar Kiss track that it caught me off guard, rawr.


Eh it looks too crazy i like the original one thats currently on the store page


Official partnership?


I can't say too much yet but we found a good opportunity for hosting our adult version of the game :) More details next week probably!


Yeah, definitely. Also, never worry about breaking out of your comfort zone and learning to do something new, I for one appreciate all the effort that you put towards giving your creations life and enjoy your journey of learning a new skill!


Actually I haven't seen the Steam trailer before - fixed that just now. And when I compare the two, the original one is too calm, almost boring. This one is more uplifting, energetic and has this... "just before you start an adventure" feeling, if you know what I mean. :D Soo... in my opinion, this will speak to your target audience quite well, no worries.


I dunno what else i can say than. I like it! :)


was sort of hoping to see the finalized quill dance as part of it, still nice regardless


If it turns out to be Nutaku you guys owe me a coke for being so clever. Also don't ask me why I know about that site.


I was just about to say ''There's no Alpha in this trailer!?!? D:'' But then i saw this ^^ Better than nothing <a href="http://imgur.com/a/7DfOj" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/7DfOj</a>


After reading everyone's comments I went back and slowed the whole thing down a bit, and I think that helps tons. It was just a little too fast to digest everything ^_^;;


The shaking at the opening made me wonder when we are getting Crush Crush VR.


Wow, you're one determined Panda to be able to learn all that and still get it out in one night. Here's a couple of suggestions. The current Steam trailer has better text placement and background color. It takes up a bit more of the screen but it's much easier to read. Spreading the girl introduction screens across the video "may" make the pacing better.


<a href="http://youtu.be/FLvs0DQyrNk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://youtu.be/FLvs0DQyrNk</a> The Moist &amp; "(sfw)" version