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Here's a new girl we'll be launching at the end of August/early September. On the left was her initial design exploration, then I got inspired by my Razer laptop's color scheme and switched it up to match that (since it felt futuristic). You can probably guess what anime her inspiration/homage is from...




she is called eva so she is from eva?


She's clearly inspired by Ayanami Rei (my own obvious bias is obvious), but I see some hints of Elfen Leid artistry... is that just my imagination?


Looks like genji's wife "THE DRAGON BECOMES ME!!" <a href="http://coub.com/view/cub6z" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://coub.com/view/cub6z</a>


i loooove it :) i think when she gets poked she should change to a white color!


No you totally got it!! We love incorporating blatant nods to our fav anime characters likes this ^^


Do you like the white one better than the dark? I thought white might be a little too close to Rei ^_^;;


Very cool, I love her hair :3


i like both!! i was saying that the costume should change colors frequently like each time you would poke her/ click when her hearts are full her costume should change color. she honestly reminds me of tron but not as flashy. but most recent tron the girls costume was super cute! and rei would look way better with black hair anyway :) it would be cool if her hair changed color frequently too. but im just all about rapid color change and having to have seizure warnings for this new girl anyway xD ( totally not cool to joke about but yeah)


Another potential cosplay for Morgo person in the future? xD I think she could pull it off.


Oh my god! That makes me so happy!!! Those two anime are amongst my favorites!!! I love how you named her Lilium like the theme song from Elfen Leid! :D


Elfen Lied my favorite Manga^^ rly nice text Opening Lilium :: Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam, Et lingua eius loquetur indicium. Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem, Quoniqm cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae. Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison O quam sancta, quam serena, quam benigma, quam amoena O castitatis lilium


I really am looking forward to seeing this girl in the game! :D I find the white take on her really interesting :)


I personally prefer number 3, but they all look nice!


It would be nice to see a combination of 4 and 5. I like 5 but wish it had the orange pin stripes, green, and back of thighs/knees were black like 4. I like the detail around the neck would be nice to see it on 5 as well. It's got a Tron kind of look too.