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These are kinda cool; I posted an open casting call for artists to help out with the next game (visual novel) since it's going to be lots of work and we want to try and have it out early next year. Soooo that lead me to this big 'ol search for an awesome artist who could match my style and fit my specs. I probably commissioned about 10 people for all the tests, some of which are still being worked on... So here's round 1's submissions (AKA the speediest people). I paid them for their work and got permission to post them:

Typo:  www.hentai-foundry.com/user/OptionalTypo

Mio in a dakimakura style ~ these will be sooo great to have on bookmarks, posters, and as special game CG unlockables. It took minor feedback to help him get close to my style, so that's a big win to me :) 

Moero Knight:  https://www.artstation.com/artist/moeroknight/

Her pinups are great but the style is very different from mine, and I noticed right away she likes to lengthen characters to be very tall. The eyes on Elle and her proportions overall just feel, off? So I'm not sure about this one, even though the rendering itself is really lovely. What do you think?

Hien Dang: https://janyhero.artstation.com/

Yay! Iro turned out so cute! The artist hasn't done much ecchi art before, so I think the pose ended up looking really stiff/forced and you can see I had a lot of critiques to get the proportions correct. Then the final was still missing certain changes I had requested, so if I were to go with this artist it might take a lot of work making sure they got the right style... and the whole point of recruiting another artist would be to save me time >.< Do you agree/disagree? 




Mio looks a little on the ditzy side in that photo. idk what it is.,,,,... Elle looks great on one hand, love it, but on the other hand she just doesnt look like her normal ditzy self she looks almost too confident and the big thing is her boobs look half her normal size? :p probably because shes not holding them up but still. and Iro looks great, her hair isnt quite as awesome but it does look good. i would leave her legs thick ;D aha. and maybe a little longer hair wise? just my two sense :p they all look great tho i wish i could draw like that.


I guess the closest would be Typo, but I do like the realistic look that Hien Dang offered. However it seems that Moero Knight didn't listen to any of your criticism and just continued to do his thing, that and Elle's breasts seem to be misshapen.


I didn't get paid for making a 3D Schoolgirl Cassie before. ; ; But I suppose some of this is okay. &gt;&gt; I likes the Typo one because it has the cutesiest eyes.

Jason Isbell

After seriously thinking about these, and I hope you share some of these thoughts, I've come to the following conclusions. (Mio and Iro are my favs and I love that these were the first to be submitted!) I think Mio's coloring is very close to your own. The biggest drawback to Mio's sample, according to your critique's, seems to just be related to shading techniques, which could be easily modified. I probably wouldn't have even noticed, had you not highlighted each example. Mio does seem to have a sort of ditsy expression, but maybe she's just being playful (or seductive), considering she's lying back on the bed... and her shirt is being pulled up, suggesting... *cough*... Anyway, moving on! I really like Iro's sketch as well and (as BM said) also like the thicker legs on her (and think her hair should be a little longer). She is supposed to be the muscular, tomboyish type, right? The muscle tone is also a nice addition. Overall it's pretty good even with the missing toes and eyebrows... Even so, this sample looks more like a fan work of Iro rather than a sample of her to appear in a visual novel. The coloring is just too different. If all the girls were to look this way, they'd look pretty good, but it depends on whether that would suit you for your girls to look so different from your original art style. It might establish a precedent. People new to the Crush Crush world, through the VN's only, may see it as an evolution of the art style, rather than just a different artist's work and may expect the same style for future/sequel VN's and maybe even other possible games or avenues of exposure. I think Elle's sample is too far from your style. Elle looks too tall, which changes her overall look too much. Other than that, I really don't know, something is just off. The artist seems to have some talent, but I don't know if she'll ever match your style closely enough. The style has a "cartoonish" feel, almost approaching Disney-ish (but not quite), if that makes sense. But, you'll never find someone to "completely" match your style. Your style is your own and very unique. But artist one does seem to really understand your coloring techniques and I think, is the closest of these three to match your art. Oh well, let's wait and see the other submissions when you get them!


I totally agree, and all of your feedback is on-point. It's been really eye-opening looking through all the artist submissions (and there are more to come!) and it's made me realize that if I ever get down time I should create a style guide or model pack. I supplied tons of art examples to these artists but like you said everyone has their own style which has a way of sneaking in, but it's a big help that Typo's style is able to match my coloring/shading. I think he also paid the closest attention to the characters' proportions. So if he gets it 90% there for me I can go in and adjust the expression to bring it on-model. The Iro submission is beautiful and I love that rendering/coloring style but I have to consider things like keeping a consistent aesthetic like you mentioned, and also how quickly the artist turns these out (I think Iro took the longest). So yeah it's really interesting! I'm glad I can share these with everyone here to see how you feel about them, because the style should get the fans approval too. I'm not gonna pull a Huniecam, haha.


With exception of the eyes I really like Typo's submission and I hope you're able to use him. I like Moero style it's very similar to Hyung Tae-Kim. <a href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0-MvCcsP7BQ/SxmwfO600JI/AAAAAAAAAak/Ixy4vuB8ZoQ/s1600-h/magna2.jpg." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0-MvCcsP7BQ/SxmwfO600JI/AAAAAAAAAak/Ixy4vuB8ZoQ/s1600-h/magna2.jpg.</a> I simply adore this Korean style of manhwa, but unless you're planning to use different artists for different characters he's just way too different. Hein is really impressive but you nailed it the shading just isn't there. Looking forward to seeing more.


Oh that's a really great comparison actually!!! Very tall lanky proportions (but gorgeous) and exaggerated hips, but as you said it would be very different. I'm still planning to do most of the art for the next game I just wanted to get a helper artist so I can crank out content faster ^_^ That's my reason for trying to find someone who can match the current stuff. I hope I can still reach out to these artists and do another project with them in the future since their stuff is so pretty; it would work better for a whole new type of game.


Please go with the hentai foundry dude. The other ones are off to me.


Definitely. I'm already collaborating with Typo ;) He's a pretty rad artist. I'll post some of the stuff he's been helping with next week.


The Mio is super-adorable and the Iro is hawt.