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Oh these are ridiculous and embarrassing to show, but I will so you can learn a little something about the girls. You're looking at some really rough ideas jotted down (storyboards) for alternate scenes when you meet these girls. Everyone else's stayed the same but these ones were like my rough draft /scrapped ideas. From left to right:


Bonnibel - similar to the one that's in the game now, you wreck her cake. In this concept it was a stray arrow or weapon you were flinging around looking badass, and just destroyed her lovely cake creation XD In this universe she was still fated to get covered in cake batter, poor thing.Elle -  In the same restaurant as her final intro was set, only originally I had it so you found her asleep on the restaurant's bench, talking in her sleep. Kinda cute but also a weird way to meet a girl. Scrapped it for a better intro!


Alpha - This was going to be interesting, since I wanted you to be on a date with one of the other girls when you noticed this new one on stage. There needs to be more girl cross/over interaction stuff, but I realize now it would work better in the visual novel.

 Fumi - Just an extra unused scene from the Terminator intro, where she examines you and notices a nose bleed, then tells you to get that looked at.


Pamu - the mirror in your bathroom was a magic portal to an alternate magical girl dimension.... there's nothing wrong with that! But it was scrapped, because I chatted with Oji Panda and wanted to do some sort of homage to Tenchi Muyo (Ryoko / demon sealed in the shrine ) so that's where her Intro spawned from. 




😽Morgo what happened to that Luna cosplay was it sent to the darkest region within the dark to be darken with the darkness of the greatest darkness within the darkness by the Lord of Darkness


I really like Pamu's face as she's coming through the mirror. A lot of theses could be still used in the VN, like Fumi and Alpha. I like this version of Elle's intro, I could see her just setting her self up for a nap, and Bonnibel letting her because she's a friend/ or just used to it :3


Why would someone be firing arrows near a bakery? xP

Jason Isbell

Pamu should come out of my mirror like that! Oh, and bring Q-piddy with her!