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Here's the hi-res model sheet for Mio - sans shoes. I think they're absurd but I love her toe socks. So many people get thrown off by them but I've seen these types of socks in stores so I know they're a thing! Normally Mio would wear some Nintendo Vans outside but at home, gaming on the couch, she's just thigh high socks, knock-off Horde t-shirt, and panties. Yes I will draw that one day! Her neck choker/ribbon is a nod to her old cat; it's his old collar so she wears it to remember him. Is that too corny? 




Mio is just such a cutie! As a dorky gamer, I can't help but adore her. She'd be my favorite, if there weren't so many other wonderful girls! lol Also, caring for your beloved animal friends is never too corny! Her wearing his collar in remembrance just makes her more loveable!


One thing that always bugged me about Mio; can you really make people pee by tickling them? >>