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So I drew this really quick (rough) sketch in Flash for my friend today, and had the thought: what if an upcoming character in Crush Crush was a combo/twins? That's a big trope in a lot of anime I've seen... but how would it work in their dialogue? Maybe their speak in tandem. Not sure, but I figure I'd toss it up here to see what you guys thought. Dating twins is sort of a fantasy but design-wise I like mirrored twins, like Gold Mountain and Silver Mountain from VS Knight Lamune DX: http://shop-yamada.com/eb/E-CFILE-LAMUNE-2.gif




Twins could work. If people aren't down with that idea you could always go the strange route and have it be split personalities of the same person as a result of some research accident as a scientist *hint hint job*


if dating a bear worked fine why not this


Ha, I think BeCrazed has the right of it- pretty sure there are no limits now! This could be a really fun idea. Something that might be interesting mechanically is if they both had different requirements for leveling up but still count as the same "character"? Or is everyone gonna hate me for suggesting twice the expense, hah?


DUDE, that would be wicked! Do it! You could have 'em talk like the nook twins from animal crossing, where they talk at the same time, and ones a little slower, so there's a text echo, you could go the sister route, like they are so in sync, inseparable, they have to everything the same, including love interest. You could go with polar personalities, where the happy bubbly one is like, "Look how good looking and cool!" and the other's all like, "No, baka, i'm tsundere" and you can change her view, while happy sister just gets hopelessly attached to you.


Ooh, idea. Have different text colors in the chat box if you can't have two separate pop-ups, or anything.


lol make the sanchez sisters <a href="http://65.media.tumblr.com/d5bcc940a7b5ceeef05bfecf2f3bb0f9/tumblr_nkfst6Yd2W1u8svkko1_1280.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://65.media.tumblr.com/d5bcc940a7b5ceeef05bfecf2f3bb0f9/tumblr_nkfst6Yd2W1u8svkko1_1280.png</a>

Jason Isbell

I gots two words for ya! DOOOOO EEEEEET!!!!! xD


btw is there any possibility of making La Muerte a waifu i dont think dating death is necrophilia lol well deadpool got to hit that shit hahahahha

Jason Isbell

But yeah, seriously, please do it. :o (It's so important it needed double posts!)


Oh yeah! I forgot about those girls. A grim reaper or la muerte type might work for a Halloween exclusive character.


That would be. So. NEAT. *cough* *fans himself* Yeah, yeah, it's a good idea. I really like the initial concept already. Polar twins are quite cool. :D


These two are adorables and I demand they be in the game too. -3- Also when's Pika-Mio and Dark Mio coming? NEVER FORGET &gt;:D


This could be a very interesting idea, character-wise. I also like the rough sketch here, the girls look cute. I'm all for it!


These girls are so cute! I really hope they haven't been forgotten about since this post was made. I think that dating best friends/girlfriends in a polyamorous crush is the cutest thing...


Aww thank you!! It would be cute, right? Maybe they're sisters and it could be like a nekopara situation ^_^