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Total pie in the sky dream here, but I would be soooo happy to have figures of Mio, Quill, Cassie, and Elle...aww heck, all of the girls! Hehe.

Here is the rough beginnings of how a 'Mio' figure could look. Obvi, if patreon funding keeps going strong then this might not be such a long shot dream after all. The above sketch is super duper rough, and I need to plump her up a bit since her legs are looking too scrawny. 

If you had to vote, who would you most like a figure of? I'd love to know what sort of pose, size, and cost you think would be the best. It's just fun to start this discussion now ^-^




Other than that It's really rough, I love it! It would be awesome to see this as a figure! :D

Jason Isbell

I'd like to see all the girls as figures, too, but I guess the favs to see for me would be Mio, Cassie, and Quill, as well. Elle would be top heavy (not joking here) so would need more support than normal or a pose that keeps her from toppling easy. I'd also like to see Bonni from below, clothed version would be fine. Iro might be hard to do for obvious reasons, but I'd like to see her, too, if possible. I'm thinking 1/6~1/7 scale, or maybe even 1/10. Those are nice for vinyl figures. Any bigger would increase the cost by lots. Any smaller might leave out detail. I really dunno about cost... maybe $45~$75, depending on scale of each figure, but that depends on production costs I guess. Popular anime figures go for more, but then again, they're based on widely known animes/mangas. But if your figures were good enough and caught on and garnered enough publicity for your artwork/game, then it might lead to more cool stuff - VN's, mangas, and maybe even your own anime someday for your girls. If the sky's the limit, dream big!


An anime based of the CrushCrush girls?!? :O I would watch that immeadeatly! :D


I really, really hope you guys hit $9k, I'd buy a set in a heartbeat. As for my top three, it'd be: Bearverly, Iro and Mio. Sizes: I feel that 1/8 or 1/10 would be better as that’s normally the size of trading figures which is still a good size while being manageable. Although a poll for who gets a 1/6 would be pretty sweet too. Cost: hard is really hard to judge as this would be more of a pet project for the fans, which would mean higher cost with a lower quality figure. So maybe $50ish for vinyl or $25ish if done with a 3d printer. Poses: I really like this Mio one, but I also like the poses the girls have on their wallpapers. So I’m sure that whatever you come up with would be super adorable. And uhh… What about dakimakuras, could this also be an option? :D

Jason Isbell

Dakimakuras never really interested me all that much, but I think that would be a cool way in giving the girls more marketing exposure.


Thanks!! Your feedback is so awesome. I agree, it feels like 1/6 is the best way to go. Gotta have the right amount of detail and not be too big to sit on a desk/shelf. They could even be sitting or reclining poses which helps with the sizing (and support for Elle's gazongas). It's a tough decision for who I'd make one for first. To 3D model, prototype, 3D print, and professionally paint is between 5-10k so the decision (and pose) would have to count! I'd definitely run a poll to make sure it was whichever character people liked the most. It would also be super easy if I just used one of the wallpaper poses, since those are more iconic and already made ;) but I'll keep thinking about it in the back of my mind. I really appreciate all of your ideas! The dakimakura is inevitable, haha, even though I don't own any it's kind of a must-have for dating games right? Even that kickstarter "but I love you" had them as a reward.


I'd prefer figures in a 1:1 scale


How tall IS Q-Piddy anyway? I'm fairly sure she can change her size, so I've no idea what kind of scale she'd need. >>


In fairy form she's probably only a foot tall. Maybe the type of figure you'd want is: <a href="http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/amiami/cabinet/images/2015/47/figure-015135.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/amiami/cabinet/images/2015/47/figure-015135.jpg</a>


Money might not buy love, but to me a full scale Iro figure is good enough


Fairies are so adorables. -w- So how about her human form? To be honest I'd be surprised if she were even 5 foot tall. xD

Jason Isbell

If I had my own Q-piddy, I'd want her in her small form to be able to ride around in my shirt pocket and peep out over the top, or sit on my shoulder. It's a rough pic, but maybe something like this pic of Sumomo from Chobits: <a href="http://pre04.deviantart.net/cbc2/th/pre/i/2015/119/f/f/sumomo_in_a_pocket_by_lightbluepencil-d3l9gsk.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pre04.deviantart.net/cbc2/th/pre/i/2015/119/f/f/sumomo_in_a_pocket_by_lightbluepencil-d3l9gsk.jpg</a>


I'd be super okay with having a little Q-Piddy to take around and peek out of my shirt pocket or something. xD


Yay figures. I take 10000 of each please!