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Aaaand here's my horrible attempt at Cassie's voice. Be honest with me if I need to stick to just doing art, haha XD




Not really the voice i had imagined for Cassie xD But still interesting


Well, your art is great.


do quills voice

Jason Isbell

Lols @ when you said toilet paper pirate! xD Cassie sounds like a 1920's brooklyn girl. x)


Totes! I always imagined Cassie having a bit of a bronx accent. A bit of harley quinn, meowth (lol), and young cyndi lauper. I might be the only one who thinks that though...


*Pats Morgo person* Your adorkable levels are so far off the charts. -w- I love it.


Bwahaha that's what I'm going for (=w=); sankyuu Robin-chama. Ultimately I just gotta admit that I can't do it all, even though I try really hard to! hehe


Well you're welcome to try voicing the other girls. :3 I wouldn't worry too much about paying for voice acting though, I'm pretty sure there are some people who'd do it for free. Hopefully.


Well I wasn't sure what to expect, reading the comments before the audio loaded, but actually I really like that voice. If you've watched the 2005 series of Doctor Who at all, you remind me of the Season 3 Episode "Daleks in Manhattan", where there's a showgirl singer who sounds a lot like this.


I youtube'd this right after reading your comment and you're totally right, that's her!! I like the way that actress has a more subtle Manhattan accent, so maybe something like that could work for Cassie. I'll keep thinking on it :)


Aww c'mon Morgo, what if you miss your calling?! You should really do a test for your imagining of each of the girls, just to make sure that we don't miss out on a perfect voice from you! {^_^}


Please margo its just so fun to see more well hear their personalitys


she sounds like such a beach. honestly the more i listen to it the more it grows on me. totally reminds me of a new york-er version of my EX gf named cassie xD aha. irony....