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These aren't the oldest concepts I could find but they are pretty ancient. You can see in this original lineup I was planning a different color scheme/outfit for Nina. I think the current live version is much better. There are also really rough character designs for a hunter, an angel, devil, mech, and magic girls :3 There's Luna on the end! Even from the start I knew I wanted to do a kickass sorceress.




I love it! I always get so exited when i see other concepts! :D


*Snoops around* >>


Hello probably Mio/Morgo/Artist person. :3 Of course I'd be here, although I'm sure my money tainted with evil won't be much use. -3- By the way, I hope you aren't planning to just throw out those unfinished comics?


I can't wait to see some of these other girls in game :)


Aww... well.. I guess I could toss them up on here since they're just hiding in the bowels of my computer. I just am SO EMBARASSED at how old and bad they look. ^_^; but I suppose it's important to show the roots of a project, so when we start working on a game for that one it'll be neat to show where it all started.


Where's the bear girl i wonder was the other animal choices for her design🤔


This isn't the whole lineup of character exploration. They went through quite a few iterations, so I'll post some more of those older concepts ^_^


Ooh a reply button! :D And embaressed of what? Your talent? I think they look super spiffy. ¬_¬


The only issue I have is maybe make the pictures bigger, it's kinda hard to make out all the details.


I just realised that if you save the picture, it's a bit bigger once saved. I really love your art style :D