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Piggy backing off the character sketches I shared earlier, I thought it might be nice to show some of the game's CG sketches. If you haven't checked it out yet - please consider trying out Cabin Fever! It's a small Visual Novel I developed while in quarantine, and it has lots of feels, and the main girl Mallory is major waifu material  :) 




I will take this opportunity to ask something I've been meaning to ask about Cabin Fever, is there any plans to add steam cards/badges/emotes/etc when the opportunity arises? (I'm not entirely clear on the necessary prerequisites to qualify a game for badges and stuff)


those things actually can't get added until certain 'revenue milestones' are met, but Steam doesn't tell us what those are.... lol so I have no clue if it'll ever be possible, but I would love to make those :)


I'll just have to buy more copies then.


I finally just started playing today!


Absolutely love Cabin Fever!


I adore Cabin Fever and need more of it in my life