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I just wanted to post this here because I find it kinda funny / annoying how these bots are flagging things that aren't even causing harm. This was a post (the Lustat CG sketches post) that wasn't visible/public, and had no NSFW content in it... Just typing certain words is enough to set off red flags, lol. At this point I'm getting paranoid about all the websites shutting down any type of waifu or lewd content.

I'm still pretty sore after Youtube terminated our channel without giving a specific reason / then ghosting us when I tried to get answers... so seeing this come up when I typed the words above made me groan >.> The definition is about a comedy bit... sigh. Sorry /rant.




Firstly, that's ridiculous levels of "censorship" Secondly, I completely understand you still being sore about what happened and now this, I don't think any of us are gonna hold it against you if you need to blow off some steam. And you can always be d my ear if you need.


I doubt youtube will respond, I emailed them about a "copy right" strike they gave me on a song that was in the public domain and they never lifted the strike nor emailed me back, that was 2 years ago. I also agree with Happy Panda Packages, I don't think anyone will hold you blowing off steam against you. This whole situation with censorship is getting out of hand and people need to voice it.


System these days (might think system thought the word was implemented as a lewd stuff, but we already know it's more than the word) You're good to express the frustrating situation like those.


Thanks everyone <3 Your comments are all super nice and make me feel a million times better! It's still a sucky situation for anyone going through similar stuff, but it's not the end of the world if we can't get our YouTube channel back. I'll figure out a better way to post our videos & new ones!


I will never forgive Google if I can't watch the AX panel. It stayed in my "Watch Later" for far too long.


I'll find a way to post the videos up on either a new channel (which they might not allow) or a different site! We'll make a post when we have figured out what to do.