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I don't think I ever shared this on here, but a while ago I commissioned one artist to try matching the Crush Crush style. It didn't really work out, and they never finished the sketch, but I thought it might be interesting to post here. In the top left you can see their sketch, and then the version with the purple draw-over lines is mine, giving them feedback. I like the idea of the pose, and having Mio/Quill in a suggestive scene. So I might redraw it sometime to turn into a wallpaper :P




Wallpaper would be awesome! If you can spare the time, it must be at a premium right now with everything going on. :)


Ahh thanks ^^ I've been working on lots of Hush Hush stuff but anything I share might give away major spoilers, so I'll try to make time for other things I can share on Patreon (like this wallpaper!)