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New year, new resolutions. One of them is shelving projects we can't support, and sadly this is one of them. It was meant to be a sci-fi Alpha-themed visual novel. We didn't have a name for it, but it was basically an Evangelion type story with lots of twists and sexy times.

I hope that one day we can resume this game project but it just never got any traction. Some background on it: For a long time, Cody (OjiPanda) and I have wanted to do a light visual novel story using the characters Eva, Fumi, and Alpha. Something really simple and maybe even linear like a kinetic VN. He was supposed to write a script for it years ago but never got around to doing it... but I still moved forward with commissioning an artist to work on character designs etc. It seems this game was fated to never get made, because both Cody and this artist took soooo long to get any work done on it. I think Cody wrote 1 page, and the artist got stuck in the 'concept' phase which was disappointing, because in the couple years it took her to make all these concept sketches we could have had another artist making full CGs. Oh well, live and learn.

Once Hush Hush is done, I have a few other VNs I'd like to try making. I might just write them myself so I'm not blocked by other people :P but it's possible this game/story idea could come off the shelf again in the future and get finished (or started, ha).

So all the images are sketches from the artist I outsourced. Some have my notes/scribbles overtop. The new characters were meant to be backup idol dancers/singers that performed with Alpha. Let me know what you think of them :3



Monosodium glutamate

I think shelving a project isn't the same as scrapping it, and I think that even if you can't do it now, the idea is there, the spark is there, and you've got the start of a solid foundation here, so just because you've got too much on your plate right now, don't give up and scrap it entirely, just put it on the back burner and maybe you'll get to come back to it later. I know Hush Hush is taking a lot out of you guys, but you will finish it, and then you'll need a new project to drive you all crazy, and who knows? Maybe then it'll finally be this game's turn. I believe in you guys, wouldn't be here if I didn't, so don't give up on it yet, there's always hope.


Count me the heck in whenever this gets started again! Would love to do some SciFi stuff :D


It's a shame this was shelved. This looked really interesting. Maybe someday things will work out better for this project!


Aww that is heartbreaking! ;-; hopefully you can pick it back up and we will be here to support you guys through it <3


Right!! I would love to. We should have approached you for the project :P but you're busy with other projects now, hehe. Maybe one day!


Looks intriguing, definitely. Have to keep it mind for the future


Alpha is best girl, I don't care what anyone says. Sad this is getting scrapped, hopefully you'll find time to come back to it in the future.