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Some people have mentioned that Darya is the only girl who doesn't have a holiday outfit, and if I recall correctly the reason I never did one was because I hit my limit and risked burning out with all the long hours I was doing on Crush Crush and other games >.< Now that I have fantastic helpers like Azayuki, who is one of our outsourced artists, the burden of drawing all the characters is way more manageable. I asked her to sketch some outfit designs for Darya and I'll be inking/coloring the final one. So please let me know if you like any of these and I'll make whichever one gets the most votes here. Personally I think #1 or #11 are the cutest... :P




I like #4 the best, followed by #3- definitely the most fond of the outfit design in #1-4. Sort of fond of #5, but I know the cute bow would be covered up by the dialogue box most of the time.


I like number 8, it has the sparkly look but it is a change up from her normal pink and purple, and it is holiday color. However, asking my family which one they agreed with you on 11.


I like #5


what about #1 dress and #11 hat?


2, 3 or 5


I'm going to say 5 too. But your workload is less now you say? Which means we can get MORE OUTFITS!


I like 3 the best