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I need your help with this! 

The mobile version is pretty much wrapped up, but I need to make a decision on how the girls' poses will fit in the scene. I'm going a bit nutty trying to figure out the best solution without having to create any special functionality, so if you could take a look at the left side VS right side Mobile mockup comparisons and let me know your preference I would be grateful! I just need to pick a direction... then it means I'll have to resize and export hundreds of images so I want to make sure everyone is happy with a direction before I commit to all that work :D

Left side (Cropped) Pros   :)

  • characters can take up more space in the scene as they're closer to the camera. Nice to see more details.
  • having the feet offscreen gives the illusion that they are grounded, not floating in space.

 Left side (Cropped) Cons   :(

  • don't get to see their shoes/feet.


 Right side (Full Body) Pros   :)

  • you can see their feet/shoes for every outfit.

Right side (Full Body) Cons   :(

  • showing the full body means their feet aren't grounded in anything. I could try adding a drop shadow, but I'm worried they'd still look a bit floaty. 
  • taller characters will appear more zoomed out, to accommodate fitting their full body in the scene.




Hmm ima say cropped on the left. As much as id like to see all the characters something about the zoomed out look seems off


I think It should stay cropped, that way it'll stay like the classic format on steam and nutaku. I do agree that the more taller girls would appear more zoomed out and smaller. Not to mention, the cropped version would show more "detail" on the girls. (God I'm a perv.)


haha no that is a totally valid point! I prefer seeing all the details up close, mobile is already so small. Thanks for chiming in and helping me with this decision!


Are there loot boxes 🎰 in the mobile version 😀💥🔫 jk jk 😋👌go cropped i want to see bearverly eyes not her feet.


I am all for the left, pro and cons all seem to favor the left. Can't argue with facts.


Why not give an ingame option t switch

Zan Blackk

That's my idea of it, too. Left side would make it bigger for mobile.


Yea, being able to switch would be great. Everyone would be able to choose which one they'd prefer. I, for one, would actually like to see full bodies of characters.


That's special functionality and would take way longer to implement >.< but I have seen games do the pinch zoom out thing. If we had more people on our team maybe!


i'm a fan of the left side more