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I wanted to share some of the work being done on Hush Hush's backgrounds. When we started this game I had commissioned a background artist who seemed really happy working on the BGs, but gradually her communication slowed down and we were waiting a long time for artwork to be completed... Then she just stopped replying to my messages. It sucks, but it's one of the risks of contracting outsourcers; sometimes you get people who lose interest or can't stay on track with deadlines. But things worked out because our main BG artist Dao stepped in to fix up those backgrounds she started, and now they look a billion times better and fit in with the rest of the game's artwork. We're so happy with the results and this is just one example of how Dao's magic has turned around the art *_* I love it so much!!




When I first saw them, before I zoomed in, I thought the ones on the left were hand drawn and the ones on the fight were rendered. Wow!


It looks so good!!


Well damn, hate it when people jump out of the project without saying anything.


it happens, I just hope they're still alive and OK! Would suck if they got sick and that's why they stopped communications :s


I hope so too. But glad the new backgrounds looks great !