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Here is a lineup of the final designs for these custom NPCs in Hush Hush!




Only seeing these patreon updates now regarding Hush Hush and the kickstarter for it. Noticed some very cool things in the rewards and sad I missed it. I've been a huge fan of your works and a patreon follower for years. Would you be interested in honoring the 85k reward tier if I privately funded the remaining $4900 via PayPal?


Sorry to hear you missed the Kickstarter! We will have info on our twitter (@crushcrushDX) when kickstarter swag is available for people to buy. That would be leftover things like dakimakura, posters, etc after all the backers have been shipped theirs. As for the 85k tier, we actually fell far below the total that Kickstarter displays. Mostly due to kickstarter and backerkit taking their cut, and many backers not paying for their pledges. So it would take a lot more money to bring us close to the 85k goal unfortunately ^^; and we really don't want to work with Symbiote studios again since they messed up a lot with the Mio figures. In any case, keep an eye on our twitter for when we post news about Hush Hush! I'm sure we'll do other campaigns in the future - maybe for Crush Crush girl plushies :)


I follow Twitter so rarely. Thanks for the reply. Any chance you'll be adding posts here?