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It's a stressful time of year what with the Holidays coming up. I usually work myself up because it's nearing the end of the year and I always feel like I still have so much left unaccomplished, but Programmer Panda made me feel better by pulling some fun stats for me for all the artwork I've created for Crush Crush. This was kinda interesting so I thought I'd share:

There are 2,103 art files in the Crush Crush directory...

-346 just in the outfits directory

-324 for NSFW artwork (includes lingerie/birthday suit outfits)

-372 for the girl dates/standard poses

-444 for UI

-119 for avatar animations on the hobby/jobs page and customization for the avatar paperdoll

-275 for promotions/popups

-72 for intros

-242(ish) for pin-ups (friendship/kiss/final CGs etc)

-the rest are fonts/auto-generated/etc

So I've done a bit of art :P

.............. The funny thing is, I'm pretty sure we're going to have even more artwork than that in Blush Blush AND Hush Hush >.< so I might die! Just a head's up, haha. Games are a lot of work but it's cool seeing everything all put together. I'm glad that I'll have help from other artists going forward <3  

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You’ve done such a great job!