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Here's a bunch of rough sketches for one of the 'self insert' reward tier characters in Hush Hush. She's a very foxy lady named Calixa, but we like her nickname 'Cali'. Her creator has done a ton of work already writing out her personality quirks and even had some artwork of her. So that made my job really easy, I just had to translate her (really cute) Furry design into something that fit in with Hush Hush.

Here's some info from her owner:

Age: Early 20s to have her fit with the other girls. Normally she's pushing 30, but that'd totally make her a cradle snatcher if she had dated one of them!
Sex: Female Height: 5'8"
Body type: Her main reference, and the pic by Tofu should give a pretty good idea. If more thought is required.. somewhere between a Bearverly and a Mio. XD A lot of the images I'd have which show off her body type tend to be rather NSFW. Of course, she'd be totally hoomanfied, rather than her usual self!
Personality: Cali is a friendly, flirty, chill, hedonistic stoner gal. She enjoys the finer things in life, whether its coffee, smoking weed, sex or her addiction to pizza (and pouncing pizza delivery people. Shes not fussed with gender, as long as they bring pizza!)




I like all of these. I think C, E, and F are the best 3.


My favorite is E. They all look really cool though!


I enjoy C the most. Version A should be good, too.


I like c but they are all great!


F, without a doubt!


I gotta say I'm a fan of B, somewhat classy, but still damn sexy. We also need more girls with dresses, just in general. In CC, HH, IRL :P


And btw, what'd it take for her to get a full route? (half-serious here, can probably not make what it takes happen, but damn, she seems really cool)


<3 E