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For Crush Crush... As a possible 'robot-girl' trope, since I always liked that in anime (my fav being Multi from ToHeart) so I was wondering if you fancy either of these designs? Lemme know ^^




Wow!! I actually love them!!! :D


A robot girl is an interesting concept, though personally I think these designs look... too young. Granted these are just concepts and not necessarily what the final design could be. A bit unrelated, but I've been wondering about this for a long time: Fumi is a human, right? Or at least more human than computer/cyborg? She would still be my favorite regardless, I just want to know for sure considering how sci-fi influenced she is.


I really like the design on the left. Fresh and fruity colours~


I like 1 but with 2's hair color. Also the design's do seem a bit on the Loli side.


I like 1's eyes but I do like 2's color scheme


I have the same complaint as 1ns0mn1ac16. My first thought was they look too young to the point of feeling uncomfortable. I like the pink and blue/green color scene better. I think the eyes on the green and red pop more but the red seems a little scary while the pink/blue is lifeless. I understand both are concepts and hope I'm not being too critical. :) If I had to pick I'd say #2.


Thanks guys! I see what you mean now about the young-look, it's probably the oversized head and eyes. I can try making her taller too or giving her more like Alpha's proportions. This is all really good feedback I appreciate it so much!!


I have to disagree about them looking too young. They are quite obviously not human which, for me at least, means that usual standards of judging age do not apply. I like the design of #1 more overall. I think it's the little bits of dark grey and black that really help to give it contrast and make it stand out.


I really love this concept... I like both color designs, but prefer #2.