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Okay I think I can start the hype train now... so, aaallll aboard! Here's the skinny on the next wave of characters getting added to Crush Crush. It's a bit confusing so I'll do my best to explain... ^^;

We're going to launch a couple girl bundles in the Store soon, which have 2 full romanceable girls in each bundle. They're monster-themed, and we're converting the popular monster outfits from last year into full characters. They'll be removed as outfits and added as girls in your list at the bottom. So if you have Elle or Quill's monster outfits already in your inventory then you will get their characters unlocked for free at the end of October. For everyone else, they'll be 50 diamonds for that bundle. The next bundle we'll launch after that is Bonnibel & Iro's monster forms, so that'll be the same for anyone who grabbed their outfits last year - they'll get those characters unlocked for free. Don't worry if you missed them, I can add them to your game because you're a Patron <3  Once they launch (starting end of October), just message me here with your playfab ID.

The top 4 girls in this image are the ones planned for the first 2 bundles... and depending on how many we sell, and if people even like them, then we'll continue with the other 2 bundles we have planned. That's what the bottom designs are :)

Lemme know what you think! This is a totally new experiment we're trying so we have no clue how it'll be received.




Ohmygsoh! Such exciting news!! :D :D And I loooooovee the way Myro looks! ^^


Complete monster girls? Now I'm even more hopeful for a monster Fumi! This is awesome!


Yay thanks ^^ Although now that Bowsette is such a big deal I wonder if I should change up her design to call-out that trend.


I guess that would work too, but I really like this one. So in my opinion there's no need for that &gt;3


It's so good to see you guys still supporting and rejuvenating this game. The monster girls look great! You've got so many projects going I'm amazed you adding to Crush Crush. After playing a number of games on Nutaku, I'm really impressed at the quality of the game. Give programmer panda a pat on the back for me it runs great on both Steam and in the browser at the Nutaku site as well. There's a number of games there I gave up on because of performance.


Dooo it! Only Mio can pull that Bowsette look :) give the dragon to Sutra


Thank you!! Aww you made programmer panda blush. I'm really excited to get some new characters in the game and especially stoked for the outsourced artists I'm working with to develop some future girls in CC. Right now it is a bit crazy for us to be working on so many projects at once (burning the candle both ends is inevitable when you're self-employed) but it'll be so rewarding when we can launch all the things ^^


Will they be voiced by the characters that they are based on?


Somehow I keep imagining her as some form of snake, would that fit her well?


I was about to scream "Noooo! Don't do it!" but then I gave it a second thought and if it's done properly then it can be a really nice thing.


I'm a little skeptical about Iro's monster form, but they all look awesome!