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Hey Panda Peeps!  

We’ve got something random and (we hope) kind of cool to ask you guys about today. Specifically about a Kickstarter that might get a dash of Panda with some support. Here’s the dealio:   

Love Esquire is a Dating Sim / RPG / Visual Novel that looks like it could have come right out of a Panda Playbook. It’s shiny and sexy, and the game even features our very own and wonderful Melody Muze, who voiced Elle and human-form Bearverly in Crush Crush!  

They just launched a Kickstarter, so we sent them our well wishes and support. Which led to the kind and lovely people over at Yangyang reaching back to us to chat.  

To cut to the chase - we mentioned that it might be cool to have a Crush Crush girl cameo in Love Esquire, and the Yangyang folks were all over that idea. So they gave us this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/yangyangmobile/love-esquire?ref=6mefdw said if our Panda Peeps come through with $3,000 of support *through that link*, they’d add a Crush Crush cameo to Love Esquire.  

Now we want to be super clear: Sad Panda isn’t making Love Esquire. We can’t speak to what the final product will be, or how large the Crush Crush cameo would be. But if this goal is hit, we’ll definitely work closely with Yangyang to ensure Pamu is pure and highly concentrated. Ready to spit fire and inappropriate meta jokes in someone else’s game.  

So check out the Love Esquire Kickstarter, search your feelings, and throw some support their way if the moment takes you!  

Lots of love, The Pandas  

P.S. A short follow-up message from Pamu herself: “Listen up Kick-Dickers, or whatever you’re called! This is win / win! You get to spend money on me, and *I* get to mack on the Love Esquire biatches. So don’t be such a Pamu! Just throw your wallet at the screen, lie back and think of England. Oh! And don’t forget to leave a “Moist” comment in the Love Esquire comment section! #PamuSellsOutAgain!”




Oh crap forgot to put moist what would Pamu do to me?


This is the kind of epic we need in our lives.


Dang your right Daniel ill have to wait till she sells out again :)


Yangyang just shared the current progress in a kickstarter update: <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/yangyangmobile/love-esquire/posts/2289709" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/yangyangmobile/love-esquire/posts/2289709</a> It's currently $2400/$3000 USD - ahh so close!! I believe it can make it to 3 before their campaign ends ^^


Nice just got an update pamu will be in the game 😀


Yah!! So pumped she got in ^^ Now they are going to push for more goals to get her a CG, and after that a full love route if ppl keep donating. Wouldn't that be crazy


Crazy awesome :D If only I wasn't so strapped for cash this month, though best case I'd poured in the rest of the 17k At least I posted about it on steam, hopefully that'll bring some people in. But do people know about the stretch goals?


Pamu is one of my favorites!