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Hey! Just a head's up this is a NSFW post.

We recently held a lil art contest on Hentai Foundry, and got some fantastic submissions. You can check out all of them over here:


I wanted to post our behind-the-scenes discussions on how we ended up selecting the winners, in case anyone was curious and wanted a good laugh from Cody's feedback. It's pretty silly, but also kinda cool studying and deconstructing other artists' interpretations of our girls. So here's a link to that PDF with our feedback:




Really fun to read through there :D


"Her forearms and thighs are a bit 'off' in proportions, but the" This just doesn't feel right, something is missing I think. or maybe Oji caught an interrupt while thinking here? On the pic of Mio with the pikachu tail.


Looks like we got some worthy winners. But one thing I've been thinking of with the... erm... bear penis one. Would it not have been a lot better if that was Monokuma? Or maybe just me being a Danganronpa fan :P


OjiPanda is notorious for typos and incomplete sentences :P I think I have a few typos too. This was just an internal doc so we didn't check it too closely