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These are real rough... but I was playing around with this 'gangster' outfit design for Cassie in Hush Hush. Part of her storyline is that she gets mixed up in some shady biz so I wanted to give her a tougher/gang look for the section where it's relevant. I might give her a longer shirt though; not sure if showing off her stomach is really Cassie's style. What do you think?




Oh my! this looks interesting! O3O I think it looks good :D


I rather like the outfit in general, but I do think it would look better with a longer shirt/tank top. It's just my gut reaction, though- it doesn't have to be super-long and it could even still show off a little stomach or even her bellybutton still, but I just think it'd look better longer.


Looks good, but yeah maybe just a normal-length halter top would look better.


Although, as far as it being her style, one could argue that she’s being coerced into dressing more scantily by her circumstances


If she gets mixed up with some shadiness then having a slightly uncharacteristic look for her probably will help sell the change. I like the outfit as is, but maybe give her a tank top with a "v" neck. I love the Jacket showing off her cute butt. :)


It looks really good. I'm excited to see this in the game. I think a longer shirt would look better, though it doesn't need to fully cover her. The current version looks more like a sports bra than a shirt. If Cassie is going to be doing any physical activity (running, fighting, etc.) in this "shady biz" then you might want to change those heels. I would say either make the heel thicker so it wouldn't break or change her footwear to shoes or boots. The heels look nice with the outfit but they could be a mismatch with what she's supposed to be doing. ^.^


My jaw dropped when i logged in to see this 💗looks awesome


Ah yeah a V neck is a good idea, and everyone is saying to make it a bit longer. Awesome feedback :)


The heels were something I wasn't sure of either! Maybe yellow runners, because she'd have to make a run for it sometimes :)

Zan Blackk

I agree to lose the heels. Running will be a thing for her, lol. And, yes, bring the top down to about her waist would look good. I saw this and got busy and forgot to reply. ♥