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Hey everyone! I just wanted to do a big shout-out to 2 games that I've been following the development for and am REALLY excited for! Us eroge developers gotta plug each other from time to time ;)

The first is called 'Venture Seas' and they have a patreon page here you can check out: https://www.patreon.com/VentureSeas or their dev blog: http://virtuousdevelopment.com/wp/ 

Their art style is sexy and cute; all the characters you can date are really cool - like monsters and warriors <3 I'm envious of all the smooth animations they're gonna have too. There is so much to this game I can tell that when it releases it's going to be very popular. There's a lot of steamy content so I'll be curious to see where they end up publishing it, but whenever that happens we'll be there to help spread the word and cheer them on \(^o^)/ I might get behind on my artwork deadlines because I'll be playing this game instead!

Another fantastic developer you need to check out is the sexy harvest-moon-inspired game 'Memory Trees' :) https://www.patreon.com/Estra 

This is the type of game we always wanted to make but they beat us to it! Haha. And they are making it better than we ever could; It's got red pandas, cute girls and guys, a beautiful and colorful world with rich gameplay and so much dating <3 And it's fully immersive being in 3D which I love. 

I wish all the success to both these developers and I cannot wait to play the final version of their games! Please consider checking them out to either follow their work or support them! 




Those creators looks promising, see how it goes ...