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For Darya, our 'diamond-chan' character we're working on... do you think it would look OK with sparkly skin, or is it too much? She won't exactly be human but I've never seen a character with sparkly skin in anime and I wonder if that's for a good reason I'm not cluing into ^^ so any feedback would be helpful <3




I think she’d look fine but it’s best not to add too much to it, if others disagree and you think the sparkles seem like a good touch try adding them in subtle manners, like the hair. But I think it’s a good idea overall.


I really agree with what BurstingSeas says ^^


In general this a good idea y agree with BurstingSeas, If others think it may not be much, but in general the idea pleases me a lot


Eh, she’d look ok, but I think it’d be more work than it’s worth to have animated sparkles, or look weird if the sparkles were static. I don’t think she really needs sparkles. I suppose if you REALLY wanted to experiment with sparkles, you could have her all sparkly during her intro before she normalizes.


I like the sparkles, but not sure it works with the skin color. It makes me think she got glittered bombed. Maybe go more alien with it, lol. <a href="https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/7b0727e2-bde5-48b0-6f9a-31d962523766" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/7b0727e2-bde5-48b0-6f9a-31d962523766</a>


I believe I have, or children's television, but it would have been many years ago so I can't really speak for it. :) I think the sparkly skin would be neat and add some character! ^^


Personally I really like those sparkles!


I'm down for sparkles


Thanks everyone!! Your feedback makes me feel good about the 'sparkle' decision - I will tone it down a bit though. Excited to draw more of this character ^^ @chris I'll play around with the skin tone, I like your idea!

Zan Blackk

Love the sparkles! I'd keep it toned down, though.