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This is a sketch preview for an upcoming Crush Crush thing. Mur ( https://www.patreon.com/MurMoruno ) worked on these, and I'm really pleased with her background skills. It's crazy awesome collaborating with an artist who is good at both characters and backgrounds <3




Yeah, Mur is amazing! I can't wait to see this done! ^^


Yeah, Mur is awesome, go give her some money too ;)


Who's that in the middle there, Luna? Or is it maybe a new girl? And shouldn't Eva be the one with the toast in her mouth?


I thought it was Luna, but yeah not sure. And yeah Eva should be the one with toast in mouth, also because I'd really like to see more of Eva o3o


Looks like Luna in the middle to me, especially with the pointed ears and the little magical sparkle around her finger. It also looks like it's a "school day" thing? So Elle has toast in her mouth because she overslept and is running late, which is quite fitting :)


I also like Eva, she's easily the best Ayanami Rei expy, in fact, even better than Rei herself. Now that you've explained it the bread is fitting for Elle too.