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The amazingly talented Estra ( https://www.patreon.com/Estra ) surprised me the other day by drawing a BEAUTIFUL Mio fanart! I've been following the Memory Trees development for a while, not only because it's got a red panda, awesome sexy anime art, and tons of dating, but they're doing an adult spin on Harvest Moon which is one of fav game franchises of all time. Basically, Estra is making the game I wanna make :P So go check it out, they've got lots of sweet stuff they're working on!




Lovley to see it in full size too o3o


I've noticed that Estra is missing the horde like symbol on Mio's shirt, but still looks super lovley of course \o/


Cool to see some actual fanart, unlike most of the stuff on the steam fanart page.


haha yeah, every now and there there's a legit one that shows up there. Sucks when it gets buried by all the unrelated art. Too many to go through and delete >.