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Hehe this is silly but I didn't feel like I could share it anywhere but here... it counts as progress for Hush Hush!

So we recorded the 'live action' part of our kickstarter video but there's still LOTS more to work to do for the gameplay/animated portions. This is just a dumb mockup idea to have dialogue boxes appear with our words as we say them. Is it too distracting or weird?? Maybe I should ditch them... Or do you like it?




Considering that some people may be watching in an environment where they can't have sound, my take is that it only increases the potential viewers... You could throw them in as Image Annotations on YouTube so they can be toggled off if anyone's really offended by them?


I like those dialogue boxes. And as long as you don't say anything different that what you write, they shouldn't pose a problem. :3


DO IT! It will be awesome :D