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As many of you are well aware, my involvement in Madness: Project Nexus 2 has more or less taken the last two years of my attention.  Learning the ins and outs of Blender and developing a working proficiency along the way, along with picking up artistic techniques that have brought about improvements in the assets/animations/textures.  When you look at the original Kickstarter trailer for MPN2 created over a year and a half ago and the working alpha we have today that Swain and I have not only been busy doing, but busy LEARNING.These days we're pushing through the alpha, cobbling it upward and onwards into beta, and the eventual full release.Which of course, gets me itching to get my hands dirty in Flash animation again.  Over the last years the income from flash cartoons has dwindled.  The market just isn't as strong for it, favoring let's plays and blogs.  In this changing climate I supplemented my income instead by becoming a for hire artist, but I feel as though the time is right to test the waters, and see if a Patreon can hold my head above the water and allow me to devote dozens of hours a week to animating more cartoons.I have had two .fla files in limbo for years now.  One known as romp.fla (which is a furthering of the 'incident' cartoons) which is somewhere in the realm of 2500 frames completed, and of course, the dusty ol' behemoth mc11.fla.Consider pitching in even a dollar.  You'd be buying coffee and my gym membership so that I can stay awake and (relatively) sane as I change gears from for-hire artist in the part time to the good old days where I was a keyframe masher.  Thank you for reading this far.  
