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So I'm sitting here, plugging through another room. Getting work done, pushing the length. And I'm thinking like, okay; the dedmos series was a five parter, and while they were uneven in length (and entertainment value) they were coming out at a pretty rapid pace. Well, rapid pace for me.

So I'm thinking what if I tied off what I had here and uploaded it, and went on to finish this in Madness Combat 9.5 part 3? It's either that or continue making this part, which could take a while yet. I mean either way works for me, but I thought i'd ask you guys since these wait times can probably border on unbearable and a broken up narrative (that is glued together in the end) might be more preferable.  



M Thomas

Not sure myself. I thought the quality of 9.5.1 was fantastic, and stopped at a good point. If there's good stopping point like that in 9.5.2, maybe it's warranted? I just wouldn't want the quality of whatever is released to drop because we begged for something sooner.


I’d be happy with either, but I’m okay with waiting longer for a bigger animation.


If it is already beyond the length of the first part (approx 4 minutes), then I would vouch for finding a cut-off point, releasing it and working on a part 3. I think the dedmos series approach to releasing content was great, but the monthly updates on patreon are what keep me happy and patient personally. JonTron and HappyHarry levels of content frequency (once on a blue moon) still work. Fans clearly demonstrate that they can wait (7 years between MC10 and 11) so it really boils down to what you feel like doing. Those are my two cents on the matter.


I have no preference since you're one of the few content creators who prioritize quality over quantity, but if you were to release 9.5 pt 2, I would suggest adding a cliffhanger ending that gives us ideas about how the last scene connects everything together.


I would prefer both! Is that helpful? Longer would give me more time to play around with musical ideas. Shorter would make it challenging to establish more with less time. And that's always fun for me. But in the end, I say you should do whatever you're leaning towards. Even if it's close, like 60-40% go with 60% and see what that looks like. I mean, you can always change your mind. If you try to wrap it up but then get a whoosh of inspiration, we won't kill you...much. bwahahaah


Totally with Cheshyre here. You should go with what you think would be best for the series. I personally wouldn't mind waiting if it meant we'd get a really nice animation in the end (as we always do from Krinkels).


Honestly everyone one will just be happy to see the finished project when it’s finished.


I think turning MC 9.5 into a 3 parter would be perfectly fine as long as you tied off part 2 in a similar way you tied off part 1. Everyone seems fine with waiting for part 3 as long as it's paced correctly and comes out in high quality as usual, have a nice day btw.


More episodes sounds good to me.


I’d love to see more episodes. Hell, I’d love to see something longer, too. It’s always great to have more, new content. But do what you feel is right with it! I’m looking forward to this either way.


I say release in 3 parts, then upload them all edited together when done, like deadmos adventure


I wouldn't mind waiting for the full part, personally. I found the idea of splitting Madness 9.5 kind of awkward to begin with. That said, I don't think it matters either way if you stitch it together like Dedmos Adventure once it's done, I just hope the music tracks flow into each-other smoothly.

Andrew Gray

Having had to wait literal years for story-focused video projects to update before, I don't mind either way, whichever feels most appropriate given the story you've got laid out.


You’ve had the second part set in mind for quite a while, I vote it stay that way. Can’t rush art


I'd say if Part 2 is meant to be the end of 9.5, keep going, but if there was going to be a Part 3 anyway, cut it off.


You can't keep edging forever, leave the 2 parts


Go for it dawg, 3 parts is fine but if you think it'll be better in the end to just finish it off in part 2 I don't mind the wait


Personally, I'm fine either way. It just means more madness to enjoy.


I'm in the camp of one solid episode, but in the words of your funny comedy clown, Just do what comes natural.

Rosy Muscovy

We waited for the better part of a decade for MC11, I think we can handle it if you wanted to make it a full episode at the cost of time, lmao


While it would be cool to have more Madness Combat content within the next week or so- I have to agree with the majority that it's better if you take your time to release the full thing. Don't let the pressure of things taking time get to you! If you're at the point where you feel you can release a second part of a three parter; it means you've got a hell of a lot of work done already!


If you find a stopping point that feels right, go for it. Otherwise, I can't say I mind the wait yet.


Whatever works best. If you feel like there's a nice stopping point to fit in, I'd love to see this next part!


More parts means more sickass tracks from Cheshyre?


two parts, I think it'd be better to rap up 9.5, or else you'll be here forever, I think we're patient enough to handle it