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Currently in production: MADNESS COMBAT 9.5 PART 2

It was a slow going process at first. Making backgrounds is a relatively smooth process, but in the new environment of Adobe Animate I found that keyframing was egregeously sluggish. You couldn't mash f6 quite as quickly because the damn thing would hesitate just a fraction of a second longer than Flash CS6 or CS3, knocking the flowstate out and resulting in trash animation. But recently I've figured out a way to get AA to move just a little faster, pretty much as quickly as I need it to, and have been keyframing like a madman because of it.

So for one, the layer options that allow for multiply or overlay or what-have-you are EGREGOUSLY detrimental to the performance of the program, so those get hidden right after they're created anymore (for the backgrounds, at any rate, there's no helping it with characters but that can be ablated by using opacity instead of a blending option. Secondly; there's an option to make playback not include hidden layers, which keeps me from second guessing myself (playbacks use to be too slow to be usable) It's been a weird month overcoming and adapting to this program but I'm moving fast to make up for what I see as lost time.

TLDR; boomer moment, moving fast. Thanks for the support. I love you all.




CS6 will always have a place in my heart, which CC cannot replace.


Get some!


This one post saved me weeks of torture in Animate, hahaha. Looking forward to seeing more updates!


I suppose I’m happy I don’t deal with these problems since I mostly do sprites :v


that TLDR summary though

John Aslett

TL:DR everyone still read it anyway :D