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I am massively thankful that the reception for MC11 has been so positive. You guys are entirely too kind to me.  Being such a large undertaking I'm skittish about taking on something as large as that again, so I'm changing gears (or rather, have been changing gears) into a bombardment of canonical sorts.  The dedmos finale is first up on that chopping block, and charged by you guys rooting me on I've already started on it, but I had to start with a lot of concept art to re-orient myself so I can take this on properly.  

It's still a side project to the Project Nexus game I am developing with The-Swain, that will always be first and foremost, but I am thrilled to push the animations along.




What % are you done with the game? Not saying it’s not important, I’m just personally an animation fan so I look forward to those more. I’m guessing when the game is done it’s back to animating full time?


My work on game development is unlikely to ever end. I love this new lot in life I have carved out.


Does that mean you just won't do long animations in the foreseeable future or do you never want to make such a huge animation project? Personally, I'd love to see more main storyline MC episodes around 10 minutes long in the future, but your sanity is more important of course. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to make such a huge animation.


And it's totally fine if it takes a few years for MC12 (imo)


Will you livestream this final Deadmos? Watching you animate has truly been inspiring to me.


Looking forward to that. You were pumping out shorts at an amazing pace.


Totally fine with shorter cartoons, in like half a year we got 4 episodes of the dedmos adventures. Each episode is like 1:30 minutes long, but if you watch them together it's 5-ish minutes, like a "normal" madness combat episode. So be it!

Kage Jason

we will finally learn the fate of dedmos


Not going to lie, the longer animation was amazing and I personally wouldn't mind, heck I'd love having an another one of these in the future perhaps!


I don't even care if its' 30 seconds with someone playing a guitar, or even close to 10 minutes of a trek through Tricky's crazed dimension. (Or Hellness, as I like to call it.) Madness is Madness. And I'm all about that stuff.


Also, sidenote, I really love how much in depth detail you made in the Dedmos series.. There's the MC9 Nod in CHASE.fla's track. There's the blood red images of MC3 in SACRIFICE.fla, the writing on the walls of ANAMNESIS.fla and POWERLESS.fla.. There's way too many hints and nods to the canon series and what Deimos is going through that make the series amazing.