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Will Madness Combat 11 arrive on that date? I can not promise this! Every time I think I'm on the last scene I get a case of the "wouldn't it be cool if..."

How many frames are done? Who cares! What's in a frame?

Am I excited about what you guys will be bringing? Of course! 

I hate to say anything about how far I am in mc11, because it'd probably jynx me. I'd say 'oh, yeah, sept22 no problem' and then a few weeks from now be all 'woah but suddenly another thing to animate just because!' and I have done that entirely too much, here.  Not to say I'm sure it won't happen again, but hey.  MC11 is the biggest mc cartoon so far and I'm scared that it will suffer for its size but we'll see.  Time will tell.

I can't thank you guys enough for the support. The wind beneath my wings.




We believe in you krinks. If you can make it by September, awesome. But on the other hand I do love awesome, so no rush.


If you die on MD you die IRL.


Chesh has seen what I have so far and has set to work on what will undoubtedly be a masterpiece.