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Hey there guys, another year has marched along, and what a year it has been! If you've been following my progress on Madness: Project Nexus 2 you've seen that we've starting to squeeze storymode into the game, and the feedback from people like YOU has been helping us immeasurably! We're seriously looking at an Q1 2018 release for this beast.  At least, we think we can swing that.

Madness Combat 11 though! It's been moving along, at a soft trundle of about 10 hours of work on it a week. I had some thoughts on the process I wanted to share with you wonderful patreon types in case you were interested in hearing what I got going on in my head.

Since the beginning of this year i've cut back on the amount of plain old artwork for the sake of animating mc11 when I can, but I found that progress was slower than usual, even with all things considered. A lot of what mired me down (until recently) was that I was overthinking the project. I was asking myself the wrong questions. I was paying too much attention to the things that don't matter in a madness cartoon. That is to say I'm not going back and removing anything, but things are certainly changing around in my creative process.  For the nth time, plots are removed or reworked, there I am going changes, and the whole of the cartoon is improved for it.  We're only at 4600 frames, and a lot of it is a fight scene with something like 10 participants on screen at once (time will tell if it was a waste of effort).  But, much to the tune of madness cartoons, I've been in stride.

Thank you for the support.  



When Krinkels created the original "Madness" cartoon, I'm sure he never expected what would become of this now-classic series!



Thanks for the swell update man! I have to boot up PN2 now because it's been a while now since I played it. Good luck with MC11, I look forward to the finished product. Also happy madness day to you! Have a good one.