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what are the diminishing returns on hand drawn flames/electricity/ect?  I ask because during mc11, there will potentially be a LOT of this, and I am starting to look at ways to cut corners to prevent me from working on it forever.  I hate that I can't do this full time, I am only one man.  Just a thought for tonight as I animate hank getting beat up. 



My immediate question is whether its possible to delegate any other that stuff to someone else? I know there are alot of madness animators who would be stoked be part of creating mc11. If thats not possible or you dun wanna, then of course it doesnt matter how great your flames/electricity/ect are if the animation doesnt come out at all. So for your own sanity it would be best to cut corners. Dem my 2cents


That's much appreciated. If I delegated anything, it'd be flaming, electrical fbf, but I take a weird pride in doing things myself, mostly because you can convey a lot of energy and personality in it and I get weird about it being just so. My chief problem comes from having only 24 hours a day, haha. That and I can't stream what I do, most times. :c


Then it ultimately comes down as to whats more important for you man. I can certainly understand the pride one has in creating something. But as a viewer and a long-time fan of the madness series, I want it to be the best it can possibly be. If I were you, I would delegate small stuff like you mentioned because it doesn't necessarily take away your immense achievement in creating a fantastic animation. Also, the majority of the animation is still done by you and you alone and that's a good source of pride imo. But at the end of the day, its not me creating the animation. Just do what you would think is best for yourself.


Ultimately it's up to you, but for those who can understand what is done and how it's done. There's a greater sense of appreciation. At least that's what I think. You do you.


Whatever you make and however you make it we'll go nuts over it Krinkels! you could make an hand drawn animation of Sanford drinking from a cup for 12 minutes and I'd be losing my shit :D