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I have to take another pass at how the gun tumbles. The thrust of the gag is present. We have fun here ha ha ha. Progress is slow, the road is endless.



This is so cool

Drill Thrill

Nice work, Krinkels. Im sure it will turn out great. Yknow im curious, do you have any future episodes of madness planned out in any way or are you just letting it flow as you work on it?


on that last combat scene before the final cutscene? Sick, really loving these nee halfmags


That Mag looks mad about something. Maybe mad enough to be trouble for Sanford... He better punch Sanfords stupid face :D


Shit, okay, fuck yeah, if its gonna be the full madness 12 more scenes is perfect, good luck getting it done!

M Thomas

Ten episodes ago an enemy gets hit in the face with a gun and dies. Now it just makes them angry. Oh how far we've come!


Someone's pissed


Eager to see what happens after this lil bit of hijinks. Anyone else see this guy as just having done a horrendous job shaving or is it just me?

John Aslett

now that's what i call a BONK (tf2 scout voice)


I enjoy the idea that these rocks cause this agent a great deal of stress and he spends a lot of time online asking people what he can do to style them or cover them up (cannot remove them, the blood won't stop pouring pls advise)


this is gonna be peak