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tew dee

Love the Grey ish eye color as opposed to the black you normally use! Makes it feel so much more menacing! Also I've always wanted to ask, is there any lore behind veinte? :0 they seem so other worldly!


theyre an angel alien!! thank you! i really like this very bright/overexposed veinte colour palette, so i'd like to draw more. theres toons of lore, but i'm saving it up for a vn or game in the future! just know theyre quirky dumb and looove lilith!


Oh my goodness unxi your art just mmmmWAHH every time <3333 the coloring and detail get more and more beautiful


OMG THEY LOOKS SO GORGEOUS, also what illustrations will get prints??


most likely alll the new ones will be available as print! it depends on image ratio but they should mostly all be good to go as prints in the store :)


Oh my god unxi this looks awesome!!!! This is one of my fav illusts from you!!!!