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hi! hope you're all doing great.

sorry about the bit of inactivity - i was working on the next drop and other illustration projects, so i was quite busy. 

i'm aiming to release new apparel before christmas so there's a lot of work ahead! if everything goes right, i'll also do another one in january/february, with keychain restocks and other goodies. 

i hope to release another 4 drawings this month, i'm trying my best to release a lot of illusts!! 

hope you like this one! 



tew dee

looking forward to it!!


would you say that CSP is easy to use? I am looking to switching to it because the brushes look better to me than procreate's


i love it way more than procreate, it's for sure worth it. it just cant compare imho, its for two different types of workflow, but procreates blending and layer limits are an impediment for me, i stopped using it like 3 years ago @_@


Tysm. ill 100% look into it now. ` - ` ) ♡


i cant get photoshop to work properly for me T_T so i just use it for editing now. i really think nothing can compare to csp's blending tools though! it's just missing the liquify tool


Don’t worry about it! Make sure not to over work yourself! :)


have you considered making a discord server for your community? :)

