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you never cease to amaze me 😭🙏


you keep getting better and better omg ❤️❤️❤️


Lovely!! Do you have any tips on how not to focus too much on lineart? I see you don't put much attention to it since you're gonna paint over it anyway, do you have any tips on how to overcome this and just focus on the result? Sorry if it's a weird question ; w ; Thank you beforehand and don't feel like you have to respond if you don't want to !


As long as you realize which things you can "skip" while linearting (like pearls, tiny details, and so on), I think it becomes much easier. Things like clothing folds or hair strands are also better to do in overpainting, since lineart + neat base colours and shading take even longer than just doing it as overpaint detail. I hope it makes sense!! T_T


That makes a lot of sense!! Thank you so so much!! It actually helps more than you may think!!