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This took way longer than I intended. I love how it came out and im very happy about it now though. 

But I wanted to talk a little about Fear of Failure, and how it impacted this specific painting. Its definitely bigger than most of my work, but if you break it down its basically 7 full body illustrations combined and should technically be like 7 full body illustrations in a row, right? Well, the psychology of this felt different than that. They had to work with and next to each other so even though I worked on each character separately, at the end I had to make sure their light and everything matched. So I started working on it as a whole. And that got very scary:P I analysed my fear and realised I was procrastinating finishing it because if it wasn't finished - its potential was infinite! So stupid.. But I snapped out of it, and luckily the group that commissioned me was incredibly understanding and lovely^^ 

I wanted to share this in case anyone else has had similar issues on a project and also to record this for my self in the future. I can hopefully recognise this feeling of fear of finishing something and keeping it in a state of possibility, so that I can work around it and not be paralysed:)

Anyone else experienced something similar? 

- June <3 



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