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Hi guys! Thank you so much for supporting me this year! It´s been an amazing and exciting time here on Patreon^^ With your support I have been able to have a better standard of living, I have met some lovely friends and I have learnt so much. Thank you for making my dream of being a full-time artist a reality, I´m so grateful:)

We are fast approaching 2018, and I´m looking forward to what the next year will hold. I will be making some changes to my business and that includes how I manage my Patreon. I am increasingly getting more work and opportunities, and my current way of getting rewards to you guys will have to change a bit.

I want to get better at the technical side of painting as well as expression and emotion in my artwork. I am considering signing up for some classes or doing a mentorship with a more experienced artist to improve. I will be sending out my portfolio to bigger clients more than I have in the past to try and get some more challenging work. Also I need to work on my work/life balance. I am looking at getting an office in a shared work space, just to get out of the house a bit more and to be around different people than twitter and my family and friends:) 

But here's the plan for Patreon: 

- I will completely remove the top tier of 50 usd a month. I haven't really found a great way of fulfilling the amount of rewards I feel like one should get at such a level of commitment. 

- The 20 usd tier will no longer get a portrait every 3 months. This is the biggest change, and I realise many will unpledge because of this, but it needs to be done. I will however send out a print every month to people who pledge 20 dollars. I love seeing my art in a physical state and I really hope some people will enjoy them^^

- At the 10 dollar level I will be giving out a monthly video as I am currently doing, but some of them will perhaps just be slower time lapses and not full on tutorials. This goes back to what I was saying of needing to up my game in regards to the technical side of my art. I feel like I dont know all that much and I cant teach people when I dont feel confident that I have something to teach:P 

- The lower tiers will remain unchanged. For 5 usd you get step-by-steps and uncensored NSFW art, and the 2 usd tier is Patreon exclusive sketches. 

I realize that I will lose many patrons by doing this. And I'm ok with that, although I will be sad to see you go.. I have great plans to grow as an artist this next year, and at the advice of the awesome podcast One Fantastic Week - I will now keep Patreon as more of a direct support for my art instead of a way of commissioning me or a teaching tool. I guess I can share more of my journey to become a better artist on here if thats interesting to people:) 

Again, thanks so much for making my dream real life^^ Please let me know if you have any questions<3


Naldela Isur'Ra Teleyal

I'll stay with my tier 4 subscription :) I'm happy with my patreon painting because of my tier 4 subscription, but I can fully understand, when you drop it. Even it's a sketch, it costs time, which you may need to invest into bigger projects or clients, which brings more money. I love your work and I can't wait to see, what you bring to us next year :)


All makes sense and best of luck! I'll absolutely support as soon as I am able! :)