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mmyep, working on dis, bad news, seems irl family shid caused some burn out that hit me hard the last 2 weeks so no finished art, good news is I did do a buncha sketches and ended up thumbnailing for a new Ice Cream short comic for next year , so that's something to look forward to uvu

Updating soon~ and Thanks for sticking around as always~



Andrea Nattan

Family comes first. Hope all good.


Your art is always worth the wait ❤️

Sir Is Watching

The lewd will resume. Rejoicing is in order.

Diego P

Hope everything settles for you!

Zero Manga Hunter

I hope things get better for you and your family. C:


Love Ice Cream! Looking forward to that! :D Make sure to take care of yourself before trying to force out content!


I’ve cream woooo and yes do hope family shiz gets worked out


Thanks for the update Toki, I'm sure a lot of us appreciate being kept in the loop. I hope things feel better for you as time goes on. We're all keen to see that fit fox twink again, but take care of yourself first :)

Botanic Furry

Take as much time as you need, we'll be here waiting for you to feel better. Your health comes first!


Self-care before smut, us understanding pervs will still be here :)