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No distractions, too horny! >:O

Just a reminder i'm back to single page uploads through out the month! o3o b




Need more ass shots toki

Sir Is Watching

Choker? Got any cuffs to go with that? *SLAPPED* (On a side note, Leopard boy really hurt him didn't he?)


Ooohhh >o> now that little piece of paper is gonna be a very important plot point I bet :3 Can't wait to see who it is on it!!! :D

Diego P

Love the new shading style


Living in the small window of time where the person on the photo could, theoretically, be Chester Cheetah


Hmmmm, the cheetah(?) seems to have been brought up again. While it bodes well for drama, curious how it'll play out.

Mr. J

ooooooo Milo is gonna go super slut for Adrian.


Also, while I can’t wait for the sex and whatever this plot brings, I think I could read a whole comic of Milo just lounging around his house naked. Love this boi.

Andrea Nattan

From the comments I'm going to assume that there are stories prior to "Outside the Box" that shed light on Milo's broken heart. I have tried to Google it but came up empty handed (though found a lot of interesting "Tokifuji" merch). Could someone point me in the right direction on where I might find the story(s), PLEASE?


Hi Andrea. You’re not missing anything. Milo’s backstory has only been hinted at so far in the series, but hopefully we’ll learn more this chapter! Hope this helps.


This is so exciting! I can't wait to see how this goes! Also LOVE Milo walking around naked! Should totally have Milo and Tracy just hanging out totally ass naked. Like, it's a hot summer day and they need to cool off, so they take everything off and just lounge!


Same as hewwo said lol, the pinned post has all my previous patreon comics links tho o3o b

Andrea Nattan

Oh, I've read those... several times :D... but I only got vague hints. Reading other comments I thought I missed something, but all good.


So fucking jealous oh Milos body

publius (the reader)

Love the little flash of "pink" in the first panel.