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What a weird time to launch LOL but seeing all the hubub and memes about the Oscars, why not, Hope Will and Chris work it out tho = w = Anyway yeah, game's out!


Also a sneak peek of the next page, just a few left and Under Wraps will be wrapped up ;D *dodges tomatoes*

PS. I have asked if there's any specials I can have for patreons but both Onta and Flynn (tinyhat) are dead tired from working up to last minute on the launch so hopefully they get back to me on that ^^;

EDIT* ok whelp Flynn got back to me, I can share the art assets here so that is something exclusive ovO




Lmaoooo you’re a legend for drawing that 😂 I was sooooo surprised to wake up and find that Will smacked Chris Rock, like WHAT??


Hahaha! That's funny, good one! :-) Already bought the game, so looking forward to playing it! :-) When I have the time for it, haha.


Unfortunately not available in my region 😩 bad luck I guess


Annnnnd added to cart! Congrats, Toki. Look forward to playing it!


Is it playable on steam deck? Even it’s without the compatibility still good game :)

Aeon Blu

Bought :3 May have done that instead of paying attention to a meeting,


Toki always on point and upt to date with the memes XD


Sadly good ol' germany blocks the game here on steam due to the NSFW nature. F

Cinna-man Spice

So wait, is it a CD? Or am I just a moron to technology?


It's a downloadable game that you purchase through a marketplace called, Steam. You can access Steam by going to www.steampowered.com it's only available for computers.


Yeaah hopefully once all the bugs are fixed up and VA's added it can be put on Itch.io and Fakku oAo


Will out of the box have the second chapter in it eventually?