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Gee Billy! How come your mom lets you eat 2 wieners? ;V

Thanks as always for ur patience! Gonna send files for the last update and check messages >,<




Oh hell yeah, double-dick! &gt;:D

Ramona Wanders

That is quite the duo they had in their pants. 😄


This just keeps getting better and better


OMG!!!! I’m friggin LUVVVVIN this!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍


My God his scales are so pretty! I mean the double dicks are really hot, but you've done his scales *so well.*


😍🤩😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍 wait...this remind me of the saying...what was it ? something about double....uhh double goods...something. but it fitting to T when it come to this. two cocks....Man that make my mouth utterly completely watering! I suppose if it is threesome then that would be like...Triple penreations, actually counting one in mouth so that's quadruple peneration ;-) . Just hot and cute. Tracey and Snaky are completely cute and sexy!!!! looking forward to more! Thanks Toki!

Mr. J

Props for taking the comic down a road less traveled. I wasn't sure about double dick when I first suspected it a couple pages ago but I've since come around and its not half bad.

Teh Pron

mmmf dubs

Kawaii Neko

I was just thinking does this mean he has 4balls? 😭😭😭


eesh. I dont know why dick piercings are even a thing. still some damn good art though toki!

publius (the reader)

Tracy doesn't have a tongue piercing, I'm pretty sure, so at least he shouldn't have to worry about getting caught. I once read about a guy who got his piercing caught in an IUD. That sure sounded like a Big Bucket o' No Fun At All.